Tourist Hit by Oncoming Train While Taking Selfie on Tracks
A tourist, who attempted to take a selfie in front of a moving train, was brutally hit and knocked to the ground by the oncoming locomotive. [Read More]
A tourist, who attempted to take a selfie in front of a moving train, was brutally hit and knocked to the ground by the oncoming locomotive. [Read More]
A model died after her clothes became tangled in a passing high-speed train during a photo shoot near the tracks.
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Fredzania ‘Zadie’ Thompson was just 19 years old, a student, athlete, and mother-to-be from Navasota, Texas who decided to finally pursue her dream of becoming a model last Friday. Unfortunately, her first photo shoot would also be her last.
A filmmaker captured the moment a legendary grizzly bear, known as “The Boss," had an incredibly close call with an oncoming train. [Read More]
National Geographic is being heavily criticized by photographers across the globe for posting a train track portrait on their 74. 9 million follower Instagram account. This, less than a month after the last widely-reported train track photoshoot death took over the headlines.