
One Photographer’s 3-Week Solo Trip Across the Western US

A travel photographer from Colorado took several weeks of traveling solo, living out of his car, and shooting to recharge and prepare for a career and life change. Alex Armitage is a Denver-based travel and adventure photographer who recently took the plunge and left his University job of nearly 8 years to pursue YouTube and […]

Is Travel Photography Dead?

Okay, I know the title of this article sounds a bit clickbaity — and to be honest, it is. Proclaiming anything to “be dead” always sounds alarmist. But really, I don’t see a bright future for the medium I love.

A Rich Family is Looking to Hire a Travel Photographer for $100,000+ Per Year

If you love both photography and travel, a dream job opening may have just opened up for you. A very wealthy family in the UK is reportedly looking for a photographer to travel the world with them, and the gig pays over $100,000 a year… not including travel, food, and expenses. The photographer booking service […]



What It’s Like to Photograph a Global Launch Campaign for Tamron

Most people don’t actually know what it means when I say I’m a “travel photographer,” it is usually met with a confused look and followed up by some variation of the question, “do you mean you travel for free?” or “who even pays you to travel?” So to sum it up, my clients are various […]