
Artur Lahoz Sees His True Love in the Starry Universe

"Somehow I feel more alive when I use the weekend and my free time to photograph", says Artur Lahoz of Brazil. Much like many of our readers, he uses photography to escape the complexities of his weekdays and finds some much-needed solace in analogue photography.

Onur Kurt Chronicles Berlin in Gorgeous CineStill 800T Snaps

Looking for new ways to capture your favorite cities? Sometimes, a simple change in your shooting experience -- like shooting with a film camera -- can help you get into a different mood. If you're yet to try shooting in film, we think these CineStill 800T street photos by Istanbul-based art director Onur Kurt will inspire you to finally give it a go.

We’ve Updated Our CineStill 800T Review; Now Includes 120 Emulsion Tests

Hey folks, This is an update to tell you all that we’ve finished reviewing CineStill 800T in both 35mm and 120. Our CineStill 800T Review has been updated accordingly. Besides obviously being a larger format of the film, CineStill 800T we find is more forgiving when it comes to dealing with actual daylight. CineStill 800T

