Fashion icon Tyra Banks found herself at the end of some rather pointed accusations over the weekend, as a photographer spotted some of his work being posted on her Instagram page. As many visual creatives have learned, the internet is truly Neverland.
Sure you can have fun flying high on your dreams but pirates are damn near everywhere. While UK-based photographer Don Mupasi may have known that minor copycat pages would probably snatch and repost his work, it’s unlikely he expected the same from the host of America’s Next Top Model.
Mupasi got in contact with us by mail writing, “A few days ago 2 of my photos were posted on a celebrity's instagram page (Tyra Banks) without credit or mention of me for the photography. ” He provided screengrabs of both his work and the doppelgangers on Banks’ page.
The snatched pictures were from a session Mupasi shot with model Kimberley Wallis. They seemed to be part of an ongoing series of images Banks had been posting of freckled models, under the hashtag #Freckles. At time of writing, seemingly none of the models nor photographers have been credited in any of these images.
/Don Mupasi
On encountering the blatant theft, Mupasi turned to the lost boys over at Reddit for assistance. The overwhelming response was advice to hit up Banks with DMCA takedown notices and to seek legal help. Mupasi claimed that he had already messaged the Instagram account and other contact links some time earlier to complain but had seemingly been ignored. Redditors and other disgruntled netizens then took to Banks’ Instagram, demanding she credit Mupasi and the other photographers of the pieces she was posting.
The eventual reaction on the Banks’ account has been incredibly simple if obtuse. They’ve removed the Mupasi images without statement, yet no apology has been given (public or otherwise) and all the other pics remain on the account without credit.
Though some of the models have commented that they are happy to see Banks repost images of them, there is definitely a creeping sense of celebrity entitlement going on in this situation. Banks and her social media team work within the vis-creative world extensively and know very well the rules that govern image ownership. Choosing to ignore those guidelines shows that they believe that they are above them. Whether or not a few of the models believe this is a boost to their exposure is beside the point. Artists must be credited whenever possible and those that steal their work held to account.
One note to keep in mind is that as a major brand marketer it is unlikely that Banks is running this account personally and may likely be utilizing a social media team. If she was not aware of these actions taking place, we could only imagine what her reaction would be.
We will keep you updated on any changes in the situation.
Cover Image: Don Mupasi
(Images used with permission)
. digitalrev.com2017-2-6 03:00