Stunning Sunburst Shots Win Underwater Photography Competition
The winners of the Underwater Awards Australasia 2024 have been announced with a portfolio of underwater sunburst shots taking home the top prize. [Read More]
The winners of the Underwater Awards Australasia 2024 have been announced with a portfolio of underwater sunburst shots taking home the top prize. [Read More]
A stark photo of a diver examining the aftermath of a whale hunt has won Underwater Photographer of the Year 2024.
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A photographer who dived into the water with a huge pod of killer whales only had a few minutes each day to capture a rare shot of an orca bathed in light rays. [Read More]
The winners of the 2023 Ocean Art Underwater Photo Competition have been announced with a picture of a paddling monkey taking home the grand prize. [Read More]
A photographer who takes stunning photos of marine life tells PetaPixel he spends 500 hours underwater each year.
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Photographer Gary Tyson recently took a Sony Alpha 7S III into the ocean of the Phillippines and captured some stunning nighttime photos and slow-motion footage of the local sea life. Tyson, a British professional photographer now living in Manila, has been trying to improve his underwater photography skills since he has been unable to travel […]
The Underwater Photography Guide has announced the winners of their 8th annual Ocean Art Underwater Photography Competition: a selection that runs the gamut between beautiful, eye popping and, in the case of the Conservation category winner, tragic and unnerving.
Being an Underwater Photographer I’ve always been drawn to creating dreamscapes below the surface, it’s just part of the allure for me, and trying to build a whole room underwater was one of the goals I’d set myself quite a while ago.
This article is not about my advice on how to run your photography business with regard to legalities, releases (prop, model, and liability), safety, price, and style, etc. However, it is about what I do, how I prep, and how I take photos underwater. That’s it. Read it and if you get some good ideas […]
The winners of the Underwater Photographer of the Year contest 2025 have been revealed with Spanish photographer Alvaro Herrero taking home the top prize for his photo Radiant Bond showing the special relationship between a mother humpback whale and her newborn calf. [Read More]
For World Ocean Day, adventure camera maker Insta360 decided to test just how shark-proof its cameras are -- while giving back to the mighty fish. [Read More]
The results of the Underwater Photographer of the Year 2023 competition have been announced and American photographer Kat Zhou has been named Underwater Photographer of the Year for her outstanding photo of an Amazon river dolphin. [Read More]
A photographer was tasked with capturing a graduation class photo, but with a twist; it had to be done underwater.
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Horseshoe crabs are ancient invertebrates that have existed along the ocean floor unchanged for some 450 million years. They survived the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs, but surviving humans is proving more challenging. [Read More]
A new Apple patent could mean that photographers are able to shoot pictures on their iPhones in the rain and even underwater. [Read More]
Jeff Milisen, an underwater photographer and ocean nerd, was holidaying in Papua New Guinea when his guide offered to walk him through underwater caves full of skulls.
Lomography is on a product release tear. After announcing two different black-and-white film stocks over the past month, the company has just unveiled the Analogue Aqua: a reloadable ‘simple use’ 35mm film camera that comes with its own underwater housing.
An engineer has developed a computer program that can, in her words, “remove the water” from an underwater photograph. The result is a “physically accurate” image with all of the vibrance, saturation and color of a regular landscape photo.
In addition to being wedding photographers, my wife Anna and I are also keen divers (at least as long as the water is warm and clear!), so quite naturally, we’ve been eager to experiment with underwater photos for quite some time.
Scientists have photographed 20 never-before-seen species that were discovered during a deep sea expedition and captured the first-ever footage of a rare squid. [Read More]
The winners of the 2023 edition of the DPG Masters Underwater Imaging Competition have been announced with a picture of a juvenile blackfish hitching a ride on a jellyfish under the gaze of Mount Vesuvius taking home first place. [Read More]
Photographs and video of dolphins in the a gulf off of Greece show the aquatic mammals swimming, a majestic sight on its own. But one dolphin was particularly intriguing for its rare pair of "thumbs." [Read More]
Godox has announced a pair of new dive light series, each with three different models. The series are differentiated by their color temperatures, with the WTD models offering daylight color temperature (5,600 Kelvin (K), +/- 300K) and the WTR lights allowing users to adjust the color temperature from 1,800K to 10,000K. [Read More]
A photographer has created a stunning underwater floral garden photoshoot that was inspired by the hit Netflix television show Bridgerton. [Read More]
On June 26, 2020, former Malta Olympian Neil Agius completed a 100 kilometer (~62-mile) open-water swim between Sicily and Malta in record-setting time. Photographer Kurt Arrigo accompanied Agius and documented the incredible feat.
Underwater photographer Steven Benjamin is under one of the world’s most strict COVID lockdowns in Cape Town, South Africa, but he hasn’t let that stop him from capturing world-class wildlife photography.
Late last year, Queensland Museum photographer Gary Cranitch captured one of the most spectacular underwater images we’ve ever seen, a photograph of a fleeting ‘coral spawn’ in the Great Barrier Reef that looks more like a photo of the Milky Way than marine life.