Nearly a year and a half since first revealing it, Venus Optics has officially opened up pre-orders for its 17mm F4 Zero-D lens for Fujifilm GFX medium format cameras. As we noted back in April 2018, the lens features a full-frame equivalent focal length of 13.
5mm and a 113 distance of 20cm (7. 9in).
The 17mm F4 Zero-D measures approximately 12. 5cm (4. 9in) long, weighs only 829 (1. 8lbs) and has a diameter of 88mm (3. 46in). The front filter thread is 86mm and Laowa is offering an optional magnetic filter holder that can easily swap out 100mm-wide slot-in filters.
Below is a sample gallery of images provided by Venus Optics:
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Venus Optics currently has the Laowa 17mm F4 Zero-D listed on its website as available to pre-order for $1,199. The first units are expected to ship mid-August 2019.
. dpreview.com2019-8-1 21:50