
The Ultimate Guide to Photography-Related Videos To Inspire You

Knowledge of photography through books, discussions, exhibitions, and films can help you hone your craft. In a time when people are running after likes and creating work that meets a certain aesthetic, they are losing out on ways to make their voices distinct.

Photographer Compiling Huge Timelapse Library of Plant Life Cycles

Photographer and botanical expert Neil Bromhall has compiled a massive library of captivating timelapses over the course of the last several years. From watching a butterfly emerge from a cocoon to the full blooming cycle of various flowers, Bromhall’s ever-expanding library is insanely impressive.

Making Copyright Infringement Claims is Now Harder for Photographers

Being able to share our work with millions upon millions of people is great. You can snap a picture, it can go viral, and someone may even want to buy your work, unfortunately there are those out there who like to skip that part though and they will just take what's not theirs.

The Masters of Photography Releases Free Videos to Nourish Your Soul

If you're looking for a source of inspiration you'll love what the guys and gals over at Masters of Photography have assembled for you. Whether you want to find out about 'The Decisive Moment' from Henri Cartier-Bresson, or have wondered how Martin Hartley captures stunning images from his Polar expeditions, the Masters of Photography have your back.

Watch 20 Talks Photographers Gave at B&H Optic 2018

B&H held its Optic 2018 conference and trade show for outdoor and travel photography earlier this month, and now you can watch 20 of the talks given by top photographers over the course of the four days.

Laibox Cam Could be a Game-Changing Modular Action Camera

If you haven't jumped into the action cam bandwagon yet, you'd be glad to know there are a lot of choices now other than the GoPro offerings. One of them is the Laibox Cam, an action camera that lists interchangeable lenses and a flip-screen among its features.

This is Why GoPro Recalled the Karma

GoPro announced a total recall of its new Karma drone yesterday, saying that the drone may lose power mid-flight and fall out of the sky. That’s exactly what owner Nicholas Kulick captured a few days ago in the 1-minute video above: his drone lost power and nearly fell on someone’s head. Note: the video contains […]

