

A Perspective on Photography as Meditation

Some years ago I wrote about the (now fairly obvious seeming) perspective of photography as a process of grounded, present awareness in order to achieve a result. [Read More]

A Nikon F3 Exploded View Made Using Hundreds of Macro Photos

Photos of disassembled cameras are usually created by laying out the parts neatly and shooting a photo from above. James over at CasualPhotophile went a step further: he shot hundreds of macro photos of the individual components and stitched them together into an ultra-high-res “exploded camera” image of the Nikon F3. “I’ve gone through the […]


Feast Your Eyes on Google Featured Photos as Your Mac Screensaver

Google has created a new Featured Photos screensaver for Mac that lets you enjoy some of the best photos being created by photographers around the world. If you share a photo publicly through Google+, as long as it meets certain criteria, that photo could be featured as a temporary background display through products such as […]