
What Voigtlander and Tokina Didn’t Include in Their New Lens Releases

We are just in the second month of the year, but there is no slowing of certain launches. For instance, lenses. So far, Nikon and OM System have announced varied lenses for their devices. Joining the fray are Tokin, with the first wide angle for X-mount and Voigtlander for L-mount.

The Voigtlander Nokton 28mm f/1.5 Is Coming to Nikon Z-Mount

Cosina announced that the Voigtlander Nokton 28mm f/1.5 that was unveiled for Sony E-mount in December will now also be coming to Nikon Z-mount. The E-Mount version is expected to be available this month while the Z-mount version will ship sometime in February. [Read More]

Our Dream Fixed-Lens Cameras | The PetaPixel Podcast

With fixed-lens cameras booming in popularity but only Fujifilm and Ricoh seemingly interested in capitalizing on it, The PetaPixel Podcast team discusses what they wish every manufacturer would make based on their previous camera designs. [Read More]

The Best Micro Four Thirds Lenses for Low Light Photography

If you shoot with Micro Four Thirds, then you probably really crave great low light performance. Sure, the zoom lenses are great. But they can't compare to the primes. In this case, the best Micro Four Thirds lenses for low light photography are some very fast aperture prime lenses.

Laowa 25mm F0.95 Review: Beautiful Bokeh of Your Dreams

I truly believe that the Micro Four Thirds format is host to some of the most fascinating lenses out there. It’s also the oldest mirrorless camera system besides the Leica M. Lots of third party lenses, like the Laowa 25mm f0.

How to Pronounce German Camera and Lens Brands ‘Correctly’

Germany has a long history of producing some of the best cameras and lenses ever to appear in the history of photography, but German brand names can be a bit tricky to pronounce. In this 8.5-minute video, photographer Maximilian Heinrich of Analog Insights shares the native German speaker’s pronunciation of some well-known brands. Heinrich says […]

Анонсирован объектив Voigtlander Color-Skopar 21mm f/3.5 Aspherical для Sony E

ъёмки, поддержка стабилизатора в камеры (без контактов нужно вручную указывать фокусное расстояния для корректной работы стаба) Обновленная оптическая схема позволяет получить высокое разрешение по всему полю кадра Фокусировочное кольцо разработано для максимально плавной и […] The post Анонсирован объектив Voigtlander Color-Skopar 21mm f/3.

Voigtlander представляет 110mm F2.5 Macro для Sony E

Производитель объективов Cosina предоставил больше данных о своём объективе Macro APO-Lanthar 100mm F2. 5, который был показан на CP+ в марте. Продажи объектива должны начаться в августе 2018 года. Его цена составит примерно $1350.

Voigtlander: “Новый 65mm F2 – один из лучших макрообъективов в истории”

Voigtlander, австрийский производитель фототехники, представил на днях свой новый макрообъектив – полнокадровый APO-Lanthar 65mm F2 Aspherical с креплением Sony E. Это “один из лучших объективов в истории компании”, утверждает Voigtlander и обещает исключительную коррекцию хроматических аберраций.


The New Voigtlander Nokton 50mm f/1.5 Produces Gorgeous Swirly Bokeh

Cosina has announced the Voigtlander Nokton Vintage Line 50mm f/1.5 Aspherical II VM lens for Vessa and M-mount cameras, replacing the first version that was released in 2013. The lens is constructed nearly entirely out of metal and glass and features knurled rings for the manual adjustment of aperture and focus. Created to be a […]


The Voigtlander 40mm f/1.2 is Cosina’s Second RF-Mount Lens

Friday, Cosina announced the Voigtlander Nokton 40mm f/1.2 Aspherical lens for Canon RF mount. Coming in January, it will be the second lens it has produced for the mirrorless mount and only the second third-party lens officially authorized by Canon. [Read More]