
Echoes of Life: Stories of Galapagos

As a multidisciplinary creative, I was brought on by Craghoppers UK a couple of years ago to help execute a brand refresh. The brand’s look and feel had lost its consistency, so my role was to realign its identity.

How I Made a 10-Day Timelapse Video on an iPhone and Galaxy

I recently made a ten-day timelapse video on two smartphone cameras of my hometown of Manhattan Beach, California, for multiple sunsets, moonrises, flowing clouds, and all sorts of stuff the naked eye rarely gets to see. [Read More]

Repairing a Olympus Lens with a Torn PCB, From Start to Finish

While cleaning one of my camera sensors, I noticed my incredibly pocketable and convenient 12mm f/2. 0 Olympus lens developed a fatal flaw. A rather large reflective fragment became dislodged inside the lens and was robbing me of precious photons.

How I Repaired a Broken Mamiya RB67 Medium Format Camera

I had the Mamiya RB67 and Pentax 67 on my medium-format wanted list for many years now, but I simply could not justify the price tag or bear the unfortunate realization that either camera would sit lonely and unused on a shelf.

My Color Grading Workflow for Raw Landscape Photos in LR and ACR

Color grading is a vital part of creating an eye-catching image, especially if you’re shooting raw. There are many ways to tackle it, of course, but in this 12-minute video and article, I want to show my personal Lightroom color grading process from start to finish.

Dramatic Portrait Lighting Made Simple

Street portraiture provides the opportunity to capture so much of the urban textures and patterns that give a city its look. The brick walls provide great leading lines as well as murals and large wall art that set a dramatic tone to any image.

How I Use Stencils to ‘Paint’ Light into Geometric Shapes

As a photographer, when you produce a series of photos that goes viral and you close sales and license deals because of it, it is tempting to simply continue doing the same and hopefully keep receiving the attention you had in the first place.

Photo Titles Are More Than Just Names

Between 2010 and 2013, I toured the world for the first time. After living in Australia and Asia, I returned home but always felt like my urge to visit and live in foreign places was still not fully satisfied.

A Full Commercial Food Photo Shoot: From Concept to Shooting to Editing

In this 35-minute video, I go through my entire process of shooting for my commercial portfolio. During the COVID-19 lockdown, I have had more time to focus on my book, which will hopefully help get me back out there when everything opens up again. At the start of this video, I talk about how to […]

Building an Afghan 810 Box Camera for $100

My name is Antoine Loncle, and I’m an independent photographer. I shared my homemade 8×10 box camera on several photography groups and it received a lot of interest. I figured I’d do a little write up for anyone that wanted to know more about the camera as well as see some images of the building […]

Shooting Environmental Portraits in Detroit

The City of Detroit has launched a redevelopment plan for the Gratiot/7-Mile community. I’ve been hired by the city and the consulting firm Giffels-Webster as the still-images creative director and photographer.

Creating Homemade Photography Backdrops on the Cheap

Anyone who has had any exposure to still life photography or studio work will know just how expensive backdrops can be. I have a couple from Kate Backdrops company, one of which I use very often, but I’ve been hankering after a few more.

The Secret to Developing Your Street Photography

Shooting Street Photography without a project in mind is like shopping for food when you’re hungry. You might get a few nice treats, but ultimately you get back and find there is nothing to sustain you.

There and Back Again: Passing Photos Between Lightroom and Photoshop

Lightroom and Photoshop are designed to work hand-in-hand, so you can easily pass photos between the two programs while you’re working with them. Photography instructor Phil Steele of Steele Training made this beginner’s 17-minute tutorial on doing “round trips” (and even “nested round trips”) with photos between Lightroom and Photoshop. After selecting a photo in […]

5 Ways You Can Use a Softbox to Shoot Stunning Portraits

Portrait photographer Miguel Quiles is back with the third part of his series on various lighting modifiers. Part one covered the beauty dish, part two covered the umbrella, and part three is all about the different ways you can use a softbox to capture distinctive portraits.

Shooting a Conceptual Photo Series About the Life of an Artist

This is a photo series about the life of an artist and struggles that might come along with it. I got a project grant from NFFF (Nordic Society of Photography) for this project in early 2019. I gathered ideas during 2019 and now I have been working with this set for a while. The series […]

Match Cuts Part 2: How to Create Compelling Transitions

Filmmaker Daniel DeArco is back with the promised Part 2 of his tutorial on creating cool and compelling “match cuts” to up your transition game. In Part 1, he showed you how he captured the three shots that he would be using to create the match cut; in Part 2, he takes us the rest […]

How to Double the Resolution of Your Smartphone Photos

“Super-resolution” and “pixel-shift” photography isn’t just possible if you have a fancy camera that can move the sensor 1 pixel between shots. As Usman Dawood of Sonder Creative demonstrates in this video, you can even do it with your run-of-the-mill smartphone, shooting hand-held.

Watch a Horribly Damaged 1903 Photo Get Expertly Fixed and Colorized

Photo restoration wizard James Berridge made this fascinating 15. 5-minute video showing how he used Photoshop to restore and colorize a horribly damaged photo captured 116 years ago in 1903. “[…] I usually don’t work with photos which require this level of restoration,” Berridge writes.

How to Shoot Handheld Focus Stacks for Macro Photography

Handheld focus stacking is a brilliant solution for many scenarios. It saves you all the troubles of using a focusing rail in the field and provides a maximum of flexibility. Whenever you need more depth of field than you can get with trading off image quality, this is the way to work around it. Have […]

Beginner’s Guide to Focus Stacking for Macro Photography

One of the greatest challenges in macro photography is the depth of field, or DOF for short. Not only does the zone of sharpness drastically fall off as we get closer to our subjects, other factors such as the lack of light and diffraction softening make it tricky to use narrow apertures on top of […]

How to Shoot a Day-vs-Night Photo in a Single Exposure

Here’s a creative technique to add to your bag of tricks. In this 9. 5-minute video, we’ll show you from start to finish how we took an ordinary scene and turned it into to go from day to night in one single exposure, in-camera.

Losing My Photography Mojo and Finding It Again

On the way out of the Terai Plain in Nepal, I stopped in the town of Janakpur. The town has a beautiful temple and I was all geared up to shoot some nice stuff. But as I wandered around, I could not “see” any images despite a religious ceremony that was taking place at the […]

How I Shot a Concept Photo of an Organ Market

A surgeon at a meat market. It’s an absolutely simple yet ridiculous idea, so it had to be done for real! China has been harvesting organs from detainees, so maybe this absurd project of mine isn’t so far from the truth! I am very lucky to have so many great friends with massive storage units […]

Are You Sharpening Your Photos Enough?

I’ll own up to this and say that I’m guilty of being stuck in my ways. But age is no excuse for not being as adaptive as I should be to the changing times. But let me explain. I’ve been shooting for many years now and nearly 20 years ago, when I started out, there […]

Shooting an Action Photo of a Toy Fighter Plane

Have you ever found yourself looking at your children’s toys and thought to yourself, “Man that would look great in an image?” Well I have, I do, and I love creating images this way, trying to create a realistic/surreal image which tells a story from using nothing more than a piece of plastic. A portrait […]

Turning a Car Parking Monitor Into a $25 DIY External DSLR Screen

I was often disappointed by my Canon 5D Mark II not having a flipping or better yet a detachable monitor. Instances of this happened when I placed the camera on a fully extended tripod and had the camera pointed downwards to make a photograph of something on the floor. Getting one’s eye above the view […]

What it Was Like to be a Photographer in 1865

Back in 1865, if you wanted to be a photographer, you needed to be patient, determined, and a bit crazy (not all that different from today, though for different reasons). As an artist and photographer, exploring new methods and mediums is an important part of the journey. So a few weeks ago I took a […]

5 Steps to Shooting a Photo of a $2.75 Million Sports Car

How do you go about shooting one of the rarest sports cars in the world? Here’s a 17-minute tutorial in which automotive photographer Mike D’Ambrosio shares the 5 steps of his “night flare” style while shooting a $2.

Shooting New Portraits of My Family, From Idea to Framing

In our hallway, we have some family portraits of our kids, but the portraits were taken some years ago — time for some new ones! But we would also like to hang the portraits of their partners. The previous portraits were color portraits, and this time I would like to do some black and whites. […]

How to Photograph the Back of the Hollywood Sign

It seems that every visitor to Hollywood wants to photograph the mountain with the Hollywood sign on it but rarely do people want to make the effort for a Hollywood sign hike to go photograph the back of it.

This Photo Took 3 Months of Planning and 5 Hours of Arranging Flowers

“I Bloom For You” is a new photo in my series I Found The Silence. The idea was created in June 2018, and it was followed by 3 months of planning. The main inspiration was to escape beyond the limits of everyday existence, somewhere where a man can be himself. Escape to a place where […]

Focus Stacking Made Simple: Get Pin-Sharp Photos in 90 Seconds

The popularity and widespread use of focus stacking in landscape photography have dramatically increased over the last few years. The concept typically reserved for macro photography has quickly won over countless outdoor photographers worldwide.

How I Shot a Light-Painting Levitation Portal Photo

My Name is Swen Cubilette, and I’m a 34-year-old photographer living in the Central Pennsylvania area. I’ve been shooting photos for about 5 years. In this article, I’ll share how I shot this levitation portal photo.

How to Develop C-41 Film in Your Bathroom

Here’s a 16.5-minute video by OWL BOT in which photographer Omar Kenji demonstrates how you can develop C-41 color film in your own bathroom instead of passing it to a photo lab. We see Kenji’s entire process, from using a sous vide cooker to precisely control temperature and pouring the chemicals to hanging the developed […]

How to Shoot a NASA Rocket Launch with a Remote Camera

When NASA launched its Insight rocket in the pre-dawn hours of May 5th, 2018, photographer Norman Chan of Tested was on hand with a remote camera setup to shoot his first launch. The 15-minute video above is his record of everything that goes into capturing a NASA rocket launch. Several hours before the launch, Chan […]

What One Photographer Learned from Failing a Photo Shoot

Late last year, photographer Irene Rudnyk reached out to a model and makeup artist for a photo concept she had in mind that featured a woman illuminated by a lantern at blue hour. Rudnyk shares in the 7-minute video above how, after putting in considerable time and effort into putting the shoot together, she failed […]

Experimenting with a Neon Light for a Studio Portrait

In this post, I’ll share the story and results of a recent experiment I did with lighting a model with a neon light. I was hanging out with a friend in a local coffee shop when he showed me an awesome album artwork he saw online. It was for the album A Moment Apart by […]

The Creative Process of Photography: A Case Study

I often hear: “I really like your photos. You must own an amazing and super duper expensive camera!” My reply to these people is: “If you own Tiger Woods’ golf club, would you be able to play at his level?” In Woods’ case, it all comes down to years of practice and a healthy dose […]

How to Create a Droste Effect Photo in a Photo in a Photo

The Droste effect is when a photo recursively appears within itself — the photo within the photo within the photo, “tunneling” forever. Here’s a 12-minute video by photographer and retoucher Antti Karppinen that shows you can create a Droste effect photo for yourself.


A DIY Remote Mechanical Cable Release for a Large Format Camera

I do mainly large format photography, and I often take my own self-portrait by using my pneumatic cable release that has a long cable and air bulb release. However, I have long been thinking about how to make a more modern kind of remote cable release.

Simple Corporate Portraits: How to Light and What to Charge

Hi, this is photographer Jay P. Morgan from The Slanted Lens. In this article and video, we’re going to take a look at how to set up a simple corporate portrait in a tight space. It’s about working professionals like dentists, doctors, lawyers, etc. This is a great way to make money, for a bread […]

How to Photograph Your Own Eye

The world of macro photography is full of fascinating subjects, but eyes and irises have got to be among the most mesmerizing ones. As with most captivating subjects, capturing it can be quite a challenge.

Akaka Falls by Moonlight: How I Got the Shot

Summer and Fall are wonderful for photographing the Milky Way here in Hawai’i. We have many locations with dark skies and breathtaking scenery too. In October, the brightest part of the Milky Way (galactic core) is near the horizon at sunset; by November it’ll be below the horizon when it gets dark. I also like […]

Developing ECN-2 Motion Picture Film at Home

If you’re a film geek like me, these numbers should look familiar, 5203, 5207, 5217, and 5219. These are the film stocks Kodak Motion Picture offers to film directors and cinematographers. Since 2014, Quentin Tarantino, Martin Scorcese, and J.

How I Shoot Insect Macro Photography in My Home Studio

Insects and other animals have fascinated me since I was a small child. I remember well how I used to pick them up and simply stare at them in wonder for hours. The concept of photographing insects indoors had been on my mind for years, even when photography and playing with light was a hobby, […]

How to Edit Portraits in Affinity Photo

Portrait and headshot photographer Ivan Weiss recently created a helpful tutorial that walks you through his entire portrait editing process in the popular Adobe alternative Affinity Photo. If you’ve been wanting to give Affinity a shot, this is a phenomenal resource.

A Beginner’s Guide to Focus Stacking

Focus stacking is a fun and easy technique you can do right at home with nothing more than your camera, lens, and editing software. In fact, the Fujifilm X-T2, X-T3, and X-T4 series of cameras—and many others—contain a “focus bracketing” feature that lets you do this automatically.

Shooting a Portrait with Light, Shadow, and Highlight

Light, shadow, and highlight — this is always a great combination for creating portraits from a lighting point of view. This is the interesting part: changing the intensity of the highlight or the tone in the shadows while maintaining the exposure can produce a different feel to an image, from being dramatic to soft and […]

Stretching as a Photographer with My First Mass Headshot Photo Shoot

One of the great things about our jobs as photographers is that we get asked to do so many diverse things. To me, new and different assignments keep me fresh. Sometimes we get asked to do things that push our limits or are even beyond the bounds of anything we have done before. This is […]

What I Learned from Capturing My First Total Solar Eclipse

Last week I made the long trip from the UK to Chile in the hopes of capturing my first total solar eclipse. I had experienced a cloudy total solar eclipse from the UK in 1999 but back then I was just 9 years old and certainly no photographer. Now that I’m apparently a professional landscape […]


How I Recreated a John Wick Movie Poster

For starters, I love the fast-paced John Wick series, and I think that Keanu Reeves is just a badass in general. Now I don’t use this word often, but everything about these movies is pure cinematic gold — the lighting, composition, camera movement, etc.

How to Fix a Badly Lit Portrait in Adobe Lightroom

Don’t toss a photo just because the lighting isn’t the best. You may be able to bring it back alive in post-production. As photographers, we face countless different scenarios and it’s nearly impossible to get the perfect shot 100% of the time.

An Advanced 7-Step Way to Edit B&W Photos in Lightroom

Black and white images can tell entirely different stories than color. By removing all of the colors, the tones carry the weight of the story. There’s a lot of gray area (pun intended) when it comes to black and white images as there’s no right or wrong way to take them. In this article and […]

A DIY Way to Fix Loose Rubber Rings on Camera Lenses

After purchasing Takumar 55mm f/1. 8 lens years ago, I started building my collection of vintage lenses, and because I don’t like spending a lot of money on them, I became a frequent visitor of thrift stores, flea markets, and online auction sites.

From a Thought to a Photograph: A Visual Guide

The first thing I always say to the participants of my photography workshops is to always spend enough time in preparation. I strongly believe that in order to make a good photo, no matter the genre, you have to be prepared as best as you can.

How to Shoot Otherworldly Macro Photos of Soap Bubbles

There are certain subjects in the macro world, which are so fascinating and absorbing that almost every macro photographer will point a camera at them at some point. No matter how many photos you take or see of these subjects, their charm does not seem to wear off. Just think of snowflakes, the compound eyes […]

How to ‘Magically’ Remove Glare from Glasses in Photoshop

Unmesh Dinda over at PIXimperfect has released another exceptional photo editing tutorial that you’ll want to bookmark if you shoot portraits. In this video, he shows you a detailed step-by-step method for removing glare from glasses in Photoshop—something all of us have probably had to do at one point or another. As Unmesh explains at […]

How I Shoot Solargraphs with a Digital Camera

Solargraphies (pinhole images on photographic paper that capture months of the sun arching across the horizon) were a thing starting sometime in the 2000s. When this caught on broadly in the early 2010s, it got a lot of people excited for film again.

Shooting 250MP Portraits with a 42MP Sony a7R II

The latest Sony cameras have the ability to shoot “pixel shift” images that create an ultra-high-resolution version of your scene. But what if you don’t have a Sony a7R III or IV? Do what wedding photographer Ben of Bach Photography does in this video and steal a technique from landscape photographers. In the video above, […]