
Twitter Finally Enables Full-Size Photos on the Web

Twitter made its platform more photo-friendly last spring when it did away with cropping of images in feeds, but strangely this feature did not come to the web. That changes today, as full-size images are now supported across all platforms.

Instagram Adds Direct Messaging to the Web Version in Limited Test

Instagram is testing Direct Messaging on the Web: a feature that could come in very handy for professional photographers who use Instagram as a business and branding tool. While DMs on the Web might not affect most “typical” users of the platform, photographers who communicate with clients or use IG to find models and collaborators […]



How to Optimize Photos For Facebook

Saving images for the web, and specifically Facebook, can require a little bit of extra attention to get them looking sharp. This 10 minute video from Francisco Hernandez of FJH Photography explores some sharpening, sizing, and exporting tips to ensure your images look their best on Facebook. Have you ever uploaded images to Facebook and […]