
Classifieds: Free Things, Webinars Photographers Should Know About

We're rounding up some important news that we haven't necessarily seen anywhere else into a single long blog post. It's your briefing on a bunch of stuff that you'll probably be interested in. All of these are from photography companies. You can see the entire list below.

Cheap Photo: Great Deals on Nude Model Photography Webinar

Nude model photography is one of those things that gets knocked a lot in the photography field. 'Anyone can take a good picture when you have a model who looks like THAT' is a common retort to photographers posting sexy and nude images on social media.



Upcoming Webinar + Event! Life After Likes: Masters of Beauty

Join 500px and MAKE UP FOR EVER for an exclusive panel series focusing on what it takes to succeed as a beauty photographer in the era of social media. The post Upcoming Webinar + Event! Life After Likes: Masters of Beauty appeared first on 500px Blog.