
This Video Explains Why TV Cameras are Still So Huge and Expensive

In recent years, small form-factor cameras—both DSLR and mirrorless—have gotten very good at capturing extremely high-quality video. So how come the broadcast equipment in use today is still so massive and expensive? YouTuber Zebra Zone recently answered this question in an interesting breakdown video.

Photographers, Focus on What’s Important

Focus on what’s important… pun intended. I’m not referring to lens focus or how to get sharp images. If that’s your main concern right now, just Google tutorials on autofocus, zone focusing or micro-adjustments.

Quick Tip: This is Why You Can Move Adjustment Brush Edits in Lightroom

Here’s a very simple answer to a common question you’ve probably either asked, or been asked, about Lightroom adjustments: Why does Lightroom let you move adjustment brush edits? How is that even useful? Prolific photography teacher Scott Kelby answered the question—something he says he’s asked a lot—in this quick video by showing you why that […]

