
These are the Winners of the 2020 iPhone Photography Awards

This morning, the iPhone Photography Awards—the first and longest running iPhone photography competition—unveiled the winners of its 13th annual contest. As usual, these images represent the best of smartphone photography from around the world, and show what’s possible with just a phone, an understanding of light, and a good eye. The awards recognized a Grand […]

‘Winning’ Photography (At Any Cost)

I’ve never entered a photo contest. In part because I have a fear of not winning and confronting my own mediocrity. But mostly because I have never viewed photography as sport. Of course, artistic competition exists in all genres from synchronized swimming to classical piano, and photography is no exception. Photo contests can bring prizes […]



These are the Winners of the 2021 iPhone Photography Awards

The iPhone Photography Awards (IPPAWARDS) — the first and longest-running iPhone photography competition — has announced the winners of the 14th annual international competition. The photos show the incredible work that can be captured with just an iPhone and an eye for the extraordinary.