
How Much Did Adobe Make From the Cancellation Fees?

Earlier this year, Adobe upset the photography community with changes in their terms of use. "The language suggests that by signing up, users could unwittingly allow their work, including Non-Disclosure Agreements, to be used in training Adobe’s AI without consent or compensation," is what we wrote in a previous article.

Does Photography Really Mean Anything to Anyone in the Digital Age?

Photography, since the dawn of the digital camera and the smartphone has evolved into an art form that can be accessed by anyone, at anytime. Without even thinking about it, we can grab our cameras and we can rattle off pictures at a furious pace, and we can share them with the world in a split second, but how much do you really care about the photos you're taking? Do they really mean anything to you? Do you really care about other digital images you see on a daily basis? Join us after the break as we explore this a little more.


No BS Advice: You Will Not Turn a $500 Client Into a $5,000 Client, Move On

Photographer and CreativeLive founder Chase Jarvis dropped a serious truth bomb in this short clip from one of his classes. And the bomb is this: you will never turn a $500 client into a $5,000 client… the best thing you can do is move on and find a new, $5,000 client. This might seem silly […]
