
2025 Should Be The Year We Get Left-Handed Cameras

The year was 2019 when my then editor decided I look into a story about left-handed cameras. Still relatively new to photography, I thought it was a surprising request—do people really care about left-handed cameras? And oh boy, how wrong I was.

Miguel Raimundo Shares His Secret to Beautiful Street Portraits

"It's the best way to make friends," says Portuguese street portrait photographer Miguel Raimundo when I ask him if he's made any long term acquaintances while photographing strangers. Asking permission for photos goes a long way toward getting a smile in return.

Sam Ziff Contrasts Silhouettes Against the Dazzling, Colorful World

My name is Sam Ziff. I'm a 17-year-old trying to work my way into the photography industry. I was wondering if you could take a look at some of my work for the phoblographer.  So my interest in photography started when I got my first smartphone a few years ago, in about 2016.

YASHICA Adds New Black and White Film to Kickstarter Campaign

With the YASHICA Absolute - [Premiere] campaign now on its last 8 days, the Hong Kong-based company has announced a new black and white film joining its roster. But the bigger question is, why the hell are they even doing this? WHY? Well, to rake in more of the money, of course.

5 of Our Favorite Film Rangefinder Cameras (One for Everyone)

When I went on my journey to grow as a photographer, some of the best tools that I had were film rangefinder cameras. I'm still very much of the belief that any and every photographer should shoot film and use cameras that don't have metering built in to become better.

Yashica Demonstrates New digiFilm Styles In July Kickstarter Update

You may recall last year when Yashica burst back onto the scene with some vague teases regarding a return to the camera market. After several weeks of teases, it was revealed, through the launch of a Kickstarter campaign, that Yashica was coming back to the camera market in a very interesting way.

Yashica Demonstrates New digiFilm Styles in July Kickstarter Update

You may recall last year when Yashica burst back onto the scene with some vague teases regarding a return to the camera market. After several weeks of teases, it was revealed, through the launch of a Kickstarter campaign, that Yashica was coming back to the camera market in a very interesting way.

Краудфандинговая кампания Yashica начнется 10 октября

Очередной тизер от Yashica с официального Youtube-канала компании: Судя по тексту ролика, обещанная краудфандинговая кампания на Kickstarter начнется 10 октября, в 8 вечера по стандартному японскому времени, то есть в 14:00 по Москве.

Новый тизер от Yashica

Средства для производства своей новой камеры Yashica будет собирать на Kickstarter; начало кампании – в октябре. Yashica продолжает выпускать тизеры к своей новинке. На сей раз подробностей чуть больше.

Yashica to Unleash an ‘Unprecedented Camera’ in October 2017

Starting in early August, the iconic Japanese camera brand Yashica began teasing a big “coming chapter” in its life. While some people dismissed it as hype for a new clip-on smartphone lens, it now appears it’s much more than that: Yashica is now teasing an “unprecedented camera.

The Yashica Camera Brand is Teasing a Big Comeback

Yashica may be the latest iconic photography brand to be plotting a big comeback. The Japanese camera brand has been teasing a “coming chapter” through a series of enigmatic teaser videos titled “The Silence of Story.

Yashica возвращается с новой камерой?

Бренд, основанный в 1949-м и фактически исчезнувший в начале 2000-х, намекает на выпуск новой камеры. Yashica, японский производитель пленочных камер, возвращается на рынок. По крайней мере, именно на это намекают видео, выложенные на официальном канале бренда в YouTube.

Gabe Scalise: Everyday Adventures in Analog Film Photography

Photographer Gabe Scalise hails from Seattle, Washington and has a particular affinity for analog film photography. He attributes this to growing up in New England and an uncle posthumously leaving an a 35mm Pentax SLR camera along with a handful of lenses.


Yashica is Launching Its Own 35mm Film, Photographers Groan

Something curious seems to be brewing over at Yashica. The company has been teasing a new Yashica-brand C-41 negative film through a series of enigmatic messages, photos, and images… and it seems photographers couldn’t care less.
