
Tourists Caught Sprinting Toward Mama Bear and Cubs in Yellowstone

Despite constant pleas from officials and wildlife experts, tourists in Yellowstone National Park continually ignore safety guidelines and get way too close to wild animals, putting not only themselves at risk but callously putting the animals in harm's way. [Read More]



Ultra-Rare Wolverine Photographed in Yellowstone

MacNeil Lyons, a former park ranger, had a once-in-a-lifetime encounter with the elusive wolverine in Yellowstone National Park, and he managed to capture rare photos of the animal while his guest recorded video. [Read More]

See 150 Years of Yellowstone National Park in Photos

Yellowstone National Park was established as the United States' first national park in 1872. To celebrate its 150th year, National Geographic has published a series of photos captured over that time of what is often called America's Wonderland. [Read More]