DPReview TV lens review: Shift your perspective with the Laowa 15mm F4.5 shift lens

Subscribe to our YouTube channel to get new episodes of DPReview TV every week. Intro The shift lens effect Subtle shifts Shifting and perspective Sample images Build and functionality Bokeh Sunstars Sharpness vs.

Canon TS-E 17mm F4

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dpreview lens review shift your perspective

2020-11-27 17:00

dpreview lens → Результатов: 9 / dpreview lens - фото

DPReview TV: the 2018 DPReview Awards

With the launch of full-frame mirrorless systems from two of the industry's biggest players, it's safe to say that this was an especially busy year for the camera world. It's not an easy job picking out the strongest products and innovations in such a year, but we endeavored to do just that for our yearly DPReview Awards. dpreview.com »

2018-12-08 17:00