Here’s a Sneak Peek of the Curvature Pen Tool Coming to Photoshop

Here’s a Sneak Peek of the Curvature Pen Tool Coming to Photoshop

Adobe just announced that there’s a powerful new Curvature Pen Tool coming to Photoshop CC later this year. The 1-minute video above is a sneak peek at how this upcoming tool works. The Curvature Pen Tool will be a new option found under the existing Pen Tool and Curvature Pen Tool when you click and […]

tool pen curvature

2017-9-8 21:12

tool pen → Результатов: 1 / tool pen - фото

Tutorial: Master the Photoshop Pen Tool in under 8 minutes

Ahh, the Pen Tool! When it comes to making complex selections and cutting objects out of an image, there is no better tool for the job. And while the Lasso Tool or Magic Wand Tool might make selections faster and easier (and are still quite useful depending on the situation), the Pen Tool reigns supreme when it comes to accuracy and precision. »

2018-02-01 23:13