Peak Design unveils redesigned 'Greatest Hits': All new Clip, Slide and Slide Lite

Peak Design unveils redesigned 'Greatest Hits': All new Clip, Slide and Slide Lite

Peak Design—the makers of top rated and much loved camera accessories that have raised nearly $15 million on Kickstarter since their first got into crowdfunding—have just launched a special 'greatest hits' 5-day Kickstarter campaign to fund their latest products: a totally redesigned Capture Camera Clip and revamped Slide and Slide Lite camera straps.

The campaign launched this morning, and already Peak Design is racing towards its funding goal at record speed—which was, after all, the point.

"We wanted to bring these redesigned products back to Kickstarter because our backer community brought them to life in the first place,” says Adam Saraceno, Peak Design’s Marketing Director. “We also wanted to get gear into folks' hands before the end of the year. These are busy times so we opted to keep our Kickstarter short and sweet. ”

Here's the company's Kickstarter video, to give you an overview of the new products:

Capture Camera Clip

First up, the one that started it all: The Peak Design Capture Camera Clip. The first product Peak Design launched on Kickstarter, the Capture clip is a staple in many a photographers' camera bag (or rather ON their camera bag), but the original design needed some love.

Enter former Apple design engineer Max Maloney, who took some time to show us the improvements they've made on the Clip at PhotoPlus this year.

The clip has been totally redesigned to be smaller, sleeker, and more functional all at the same time. It now features an all aluminum built (no plastic parts in sight), a lighter and smaller build that should still fit on almost any belt or backpack strap out there, an embeddable grip on the backplate so you don't have to tighten the thing so much for it to stay in place, and a much sleeker profile that's less likely to snag on clothing or gear.

Here's a closer look at the new Clip, including a side-by-side with the old version:

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The new Capture v3 will cost you a $55 pledge (MSRP $70). Find out more on Kickstarter.

Slide and Slide Lite

The Capture v3 is probably the most exciting 'Greatest Hits' release, but for those of you who love Peak Design's camera straps, the Slide and Slide Lite revamp is definitely worth looking into.

The Slide (meant for DSLRs) and Slide Lite (meant for mirrorless cameras) are some of Peak Design's most popular camera straps, and now they've been upgraded with updated dual adjusters that keep a lower profile, a new anchor mount for 'low-profile connection point to bottom of camera', smooth and durable nylon webbing for easier adjustment, and updated anchor connectors for easier one-handed use.

Here's a closer look:

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The Slide and Slide Lite will MSRP for $65 and $50, respectively, when they hit store shelves, but if you contribute to the Greatest Hits Kickstarter you'll be able to get them for $50 and $35. Click here to learn more.

To see check out either of the new products for yourself or contribute to the campaign—which has already raised nearly $50,000 in funding in just a couple of hours!—click here. Estimated delivery for all of the new products is December of 2017.


slide camera design kickstarter clip

2017-11-7 19:07