Photographer Rick Corbishley Confesses His Love for the Fujifilm X100V

My favourite camera is the Fujifilm X100V. I bought it in February 2020 and have only used it twice, mainly because of the lockdown. Out of the 22 cameras in my possession, 14 of which are vintage, this is the one I would keep if I could only have one.

I’ve had a few favourites over the years. My first was an Agfa ISO-Rapid 1 my brother bought me when he visited West Germany in 1968, photo attached. That changed to a Rollei SL35M when my interest in photography really took hold; I had started work and had cash to spend. I loved that camera, it was a class act. I used it for several years until it broke and I got rid of it; after all, digital was coming. However, I still have strong feelings for it, and last year I purchased another copy to add to my collection of cameras I’ve owned over the years. .

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2020-11-23 08:00

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