Photographers Get Lowballed Because They Love Their Jobs: Study

Photographers Get Lowballed Because They Love Their Jobs: Study

Photographers have been speaking out in recent years about getting asked to do work for little or no money. A new research study is now suggesting that one of the reasons photographers get lowballed is because they love their jobs.

Professor Aaron Kay and Ph. D student Jay Kim at Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business […].

photographers get lowballed because they love their jobs

2019-6-7 21:09

photographers get → Результатов: 3 / photographers get - фото


Photographers Get To Witness 5 Cheetahs Crossing A Flooded River Infested With Crocodiles

The biggest cheetahs leaped into the water, and the travelers immediately lost their breath. Soon, the other two followed. As everyone waited in anticipation, guessing whether the swimmers will make it to the other side, photographers Arnfinn Johansen and Buddhilini De Soyza seized the opportunity and took out their cameras. »

2020-03-09 18:41