The Best Instant Cameras for Professional Photographers

Lots of professional photographers like to focus on making their cameras as simple to use so that they get the shot. So if they're using instant film cameras, then they're probably just focusing in more on the moment.

But some of us go a step beyond. And for those of us that want to deliver much more consistency, we need things like manual control. It's kind of like actually shooting with film. For what it's worth, Instant Film is really film; but processed differently. So for those of us want demand more, here are the best instant cameras for professional photographers.

The post The Best Instant Cameras for Professional Photographers first appeared on The Phoblographer.


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2023-4-24 13:00

cameras instant → Результатов: 20 / cameras instant - фото


CT scans reveal that iconic, affordable instant cameras are more complicated than they appear

Over at Scan of the Month, the team uses computed tomography scanning, an imaging technique often reserved for medical settings, to photograph the internal components of well-known consumer products, including LEGO, Apple AirPods and a Nintendo handheld video game systems, such as the original Game Boy, Game Boy Advance and Nintendo Switch. »

2022-03-03 19:23

7 Instant Film Polaroid-style Cameras For Your New Year’s Eve Party Fun!

Instant cameras are fun to use, and because of this, they're the perfect companion for photographers who don't want to take their expensive cameras with them out on the town or to parties. Instant cameras are easy to use, and they can help you capture candid moments with your friends and family, and seeing as they are so affordable, you won't mind passing it your group so that everyone can capture fun moments. »

2019-12-21 08:00

7 Instant Film Polaroid-Style Cameras for Your New Year’s Eve Party Fun!

Instant cameras are fun to use, and because of this, they're the perfect companion for photographers who don't want to take their expensive cameras with them out on the town or to parties. Instant cameras are easy to use, and they can help you capture candid moments with your friends and family, and seeing as they are so affordable, you won't mind passing it your group so that everyone can capture fun moments. »

2019-12-21 08:00