The Peak Design Travel Backpack is Promising Lots of Versatility

There has been a big uptick in the past few years for photographers who love backpacks, and the latest option is the new Peak Design Travel Backpack. This is part of a brand new series; and so at the moment it only comes in the vanilla flavor.

With that said though, you can always customize it and turn the Peak Design Travel Backpack 45L into a 35L via a bit of tinkering. What's more, the new Peak Design Travel Backpack can have its internals customized even further with cubes that are placed inside. .

backpack travel design peak

2018-7-24 21:00

backpack travel → Результатов: 1 / backpack travel - фото

Peak Design announces 45L Travel Backpack and new system of 'Packing Tools'

$(document). ready(function() { SampleGalleryV2({"containerId":"embeddedSampleGallery_6187580265","galleryId":"6187580265","isEmbeddedWidget":true,"selectedImageIndex":0,"isMobile":false}) }); Peak Design has announced a fresh travel-oriented product line that centers around a 45L carry on-sized Travel Backpack that can be yours for a reduced price through Kickstarter (starting today). »

2018-07-23 21:00