This macOS app creates HTML galleries from your Photos library

This macOS app creates HTML galleries from your Photos library

A new macOS app called photos2webgallery lets you create HTML web galleries from your Photos library. The resulting HTML output can be shared in many ways, including via upload to your own web server or shared via USB-drive.

Thanks to HTML5 support photos2webgallery works with all modern browsers. An integrated HEIC to JPG image format converter makes sure even images captured in the Apple-specific format will be displayed. Videos are embedded as well.

Alongside the images and videos the output galleries also display metadata information, such as date and time as well as the capture location with a Google Maps link. In the user interface users can select the albums they want to share and a range of slideshow effects is available, too.

The app is now available for download at the photos2webgallery website for a reduced price of $31. 99.


photos2webgallery galleries your app

2018-12-19 19:45