Tye Martinez: A True Artist with Cyberpunk Renaissance Horror (NSFW)

“I think true creative art is rare,” says Washington based photographer, Tye Died. “. . . But when an artist gets exceptional at creating their own unique style, that is when they truly contribute to the artistic world.

” For The Phoblographer, Tye is certainly someone who has taken their style and ran with it. Her moody, dark and sometimes twisted concepts are in their own way, extremely beautiful. Every idea has meaning and each detail is an important cog in her creative wheel. Online she says very little. But whatever she does say carries a big impact, that’s why we were so intrigued by her work. Eager to know more about the person behind these marvellous creations, we reached out to Tye - who in return gave us one of the most insightful and interesting interviews to date. .

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2019-5-27 13:00