I Work At A Donkey Sanctuary Where I Photograph Their Beauty Every Day

I Work At A Donkey Sanctuary Where I Photograph Their Beauty Every Day
ФОТО: boredpanda.com

May 8th is World Donkey Day, but there are places where donkeys are celebrated every day: I work for Il Rifugio degli Asinelli, the Italian Donkey Sanctuary, a charity established in 1969, based in UK but working Worldwide to protect donkeys, raise more awareness and help people to understand how gorgeous these often misunderstood creatures are! 135 donkeys and mules (mix between dad donkey and mum horse) live at our Rifugio, most of them saved after mistreatments and neglect.

Here at Sala Biellese, in Northern Italy, we help their body and souls recover: the young, healthy ones can find a new home (always in pair, because donkeys have strong bonds and often a best friend for life!), while the "donkey grannies" or the ones with ailments have the warranty of a safe place where they can spend the rest of their lives.

As soon as I have some spare time, I go outside with my camera and take pictures, to share their beauty with everyone. .

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2018-5-9 22:31