Contemporary artist and photographer Grant Legassick’s Urban Etching series provides a thought-provoking study into the ephemeral nature of our urban surroundings. Unlike long exposure photography, which creates a fixed sense of blurred motion, Legassick chooses to layer multiple images over one another instead.
This gives off the unique impression of a detailed sketch, replacing permanent city structures with the ebb and flow of movement.
Urban Etching ultimately attempts to shake up the mundane perception of our cold and rigid city dwellings and imbue them with life by creating poetry in motion. The urban environment appears to breathe as Legassick composites architectural sights on top of each other to provoke a feeling of movement and energy.
Legassick first captures his images with a Canon 5Ds and Canon 24-70mm f/2. 8L II USM lens before importing them into Photoshop for post production and Lightroom for cataloguing.
Trains of Thought / Grant Legassick
The effect is made up of hundreds of photos stitched together and tone-mapped. Once in place, he digitally selects areas to enhance or fade away to ensure that each layer is visible but also complements the overall composition.
Legassick wants the series to be a commentary on the human condition in our modern world, raising questions about our relationship with time, the collective experience, forgetfulness and memory.
Urban Etching will be on display at Riflemaker in London and run for two days on the 16 November and 17 November.
Around The Clock / Grant Legassick
That was Then,This is Now / Grant Legassick
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Passengers / Grant Legassick
Odyssey / Grant Legassick
No Filter / Grant Legassick
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Title photo: In Limbo
Images used with permission
. digitalrev.com2016-11-4 03:00