Adobe's online image community Behance has unveiled Moodboards, a Pinterest-like way to create boards containing collections and individual images. In explaining ways this feature could be useful, Behance says Moodboards can be used to collect reference material, brainstorm ideas, share inspiration for future projects, and more.
Moodboards were formerly called Collections, according to Behance, which says that both collections and individual images can be added to these new boards. Previously created collections now appear as Moodboards; users can continue adding new content to them, make new boards, and add other Behance users as co-owners to boards.
According to the company's new Moodboards support website, Behance members can create as many boards as they want. Existing single images can be added to Moodboards by hovering the mouse over the image, then clicking 'Add to Moodboard. ' Entire projects can be added to Moodboards, as well, by clicking 'Save to Moodboard' from within the Project Viewer.
Moodboards are set to public by default but can be set to private from within the board owner's profile settings. The feature is now available to users.
. dpreview.com2019-7-30 23:11