46 Best Bird Photos Of 2019 Have Been Announced, And They’re Amazing

The Bird Photographer of the Year is a bird photography competition held annually since 2016 where photographers from all over the world compete for the grand prize and the title of Bird Photographer of the Year.

And now, after a whole year of waiting, the winners of this year's competition have finally been announced. .

year bird

2019-8-27 16:25

year bird → Результатов: 3 / year bird - фото

Фото: cameralabs.org

Лучшие фотографии птиц с конкурса Bird Photographer of the Year 2018

Фотобиблиотека Nature Photographers Ltd и организация The British Trust for Ornithology провели конкурс на звание птичьего фотографа года. Шортлист уже опубликовали, а победителей назовут 20 августа в Ратленде на мероприятии Rutland Birdwatching Fair. cameralabs.org »

2018-03-12 13:07