A Craigslist post offering a 1990 Mazda RX-7 for sale is going viral today thanks to the photos of the car. . . and it's not because they're good. For whatever reason, the ad's author decided the best way to photograph his or her car for this ad was to take pictures of the car with their cell phone, and then take pictures of the pictures displayed on their cracked, hazy smartphone screen.
The original Craigslist post, a link to which hasn't been shared publicly to avoid disrupting the seller's efforts, was spotted by Murilee Martin and shared with Autoweek. And yes, the pictures are exactly as bad as described.
The reasoning behind this photographic decision aren't known and probably never will be. But instead of sharp, colorful, detailed photos of a car what we get are hazy, in some cases out-of-focus shots of a red vehicle that is difficult to make out through the cracks in the screen.
Even by Craigslist standards these are bad. By car photography standards? It's like something out of a horror film.
. dpreview.com2017-9-23 22:35