It has been almost a year since DJI introduced a new drone aimed at consumers. The Mavic 2 Pro and Zoom models were announced on July 18th of last year. With rumors swirling that the planned Phantom 5 line was canceled, while most of the Phantom 4 series has remained sold out for the past six months, it was expected that the world's top drone manufacturer would release an update to one of its popular models in the near future.
DroneDJ recently reported that a Spark 2 drone was slated for release this summer. The original Spark was released April 15, 2017, making an upgrade long overdue. The spark is even smaller in size than the Mavic series. It's an ideal accessory for vacations and family events which is why the July release made perfect sense. The online publication got some bad news this past Tuesday.
'We have received word that the Spark 2 launch that was scheduled for July 23rd has been postponed indefinitely. An industry insider told us that DJI sent out a memo last week stating: “due to a shift in priorities the July 23 event is now on hold until further notice. " Unfortunately, no information was provided explaining the postponement nor was a new date announced. '
'An industry insider told us that DJI sent out a memo last week stating: “due to a shift in priorities the July 23 event is now on hold until further notice. " Unfortunately, no information was provided explaining the postponement nor was a new date announced. '
Here are some of the specs and upgrades DroneDJ author Haye Kesteloo expected from the DJI Spark 2:
4K video at 30fps
Increased video bitrate
An improved 3-axis gimbal
ActiveTrack 2. 0
2x digital zoom
An increased flight time of 18 minutes versus 16 minutes for the original Spark
New battery design that is not compatible with the original model
Same official range but with a new antenna design and a new remote controller featuring improved tech for a better connection. OcuSync 2. 0 will likely not be included
Two exterior colors: black and white
A new panorama mode
DJI recently released the Robomaster S1, a ground-based robot aimed at educators and students interested in Science, Technology, Education, and Mathematics (STEM). This latest cancellation of the Spark 2 has insiders and enthusiasts, alike, wondering when they plan on shipping a new-and-improved drone.
. dpreview.com2019-6-20 16:44