Analog photography company Dubblefilm has unveiled a new film stock called Jelly. This 35mm C-41 200 ISO pre-exposed film adds highly saturated blue, red, green, orange, and yellow colors to photos, the effect being random through the film to offer "the purest form of serendipity.
" Some parts of the film lack tint for "occasional bits of reality creep through," the company explains.
Below is a collection of sample images provided by Dubblefilm:
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This is the 5th film Dubblefilm has launched in collaboration with European company KONO! The Reanimated Film. Jelly can be processed and scanned by "any mini-lab," according to the company, which is offering the product for €12. 00/USD$13. 50 per 24 exposure roll through Dubblefilm's website and at select retailers.
. dpreview.com2018-11-1 22:20