Since 2009, I have been traveling around Europe in search of forgotten pianos. This journey gives me the chance to visit and photograph unique abandoned places—from villas to palaces.
boredpanda.com2020-3-22 12:25
Since 2009, I have been traveling around Europe in search of forgotten pianos. This journey gives me the chance to visit and photograph unique abandoned places—from villas to palaces.
A few years ago, biking around with a friend during a warm summer afternoon, we found an abandoned factory. »
2020-03-03 00:56
I live in a rural town in northern Wisconsin, so there’s no shortage of abandoned farmhouses and barns. A few years ago, I came across an exquisite abandoned home on the side of a country road. »
2020-02-29 10:46
Armenia is a country rich with culture, history and amazing architecture. On this trip back in June, I decided to take a different turn and seek out some of the many abandoned fayre grounds and amusement parks that lay decaying under the sweltering sun. »
2019-12-16 16:46
Myself and my friend are urban explorers. We go to places that have been forgotten about, and find beauty within it. It's the highlight of my life and makes me so happy. »
2017-12-13 23:37