EyeEm now lets you collect multiple model releases at once over text message

$(document). ready(function() { SampleGalleryV2({"containerId":"embeddedSampleGallery_9500155877","galleryId":"9500155877","isEmbeddedWidget":true,"standalone":false,"selectedImageIndex":0,"startInCommentsView":false,"isMobile":false}) }); If you license images of people, you know how much of a pain it can be to gather the appropriate model releases.

For every photo, you need a new release, even if you're uploading 20 photos of the same person from the same photo shoot. Well, no longer. EyeEm just introduced a multi-release feature that lets you handle multiple releases at once; what's more, you can do it all over text message.

The feature is very straightforward, as EyeEm shows in this short demo video:

It's a 5-step process.

Step 1: Log on to EyeEm on the web, open the notifications pane, and go to To Dos.

Step 2: Click “Releases for multiple photos"

Step 3: Select all photos that show the same person

Step 4: Click next and fill out the model’s name

Step 5: Click next and share the link with your model through your favorite messaging app—SMS, WhatsApp, FB Messenger, and more are all available.

That's it. The model can select only the photos they want to release, and once they've signed you will receive a confirmation email.

This might seem like a small feature, but if you're a prolific stock photographer, generating multiple releases this easily removes a serious pain point. Plus, these releases can be used on other platforms as well, including Getty, Adobe, Alamy, and others.

To learn more about the feature or give the EyeEm app a go for yourself, head over to the EyeEm Blog by clicking here.


releases eyeem step model photos

2017-10-10 18:40