Film Friday: More information about how NoColorStudio developed its new 'No. 5' emulsion

Film Friday: More information about how NoColorStudio developed its new 'No. 5' emulsion

For this week’s installment of Film Friday, we’re taking a closer look at ‘no. 5,’ a new film stock from NoColorStudio, an independent film photography company that focuses on large format film camera accessories and, now, specialty film stocks.

We posted a first look at this new film last month, but since then our friends at 35mmc have taken a deeper dive, and interviewed Arnas

As with many h resolution, continuous tone and small grain.

experimental no. 5 developed in D-11

hare it with the world.

experimental no. 5 developed in perceptol

NoColorStudio’s ‘no. 5’ film stock is available to purchase on NoColorStudio’s website as a single roll (€5. 50), a five-roll pack (€25. 00) and a special ten-roll pack (€50. 00), which comes packaged in a ‘hand-made origami box. ’ In an update to our original coverage, we can confirm that the film will be shipped to North America, Canada, Japan and all of Europe. Each roll comes with 29 exposure

You can read

The Birth of The NoColorStudio Experimental No. 5 High Contrast Film

About Film Fridays: We recently launched an analog forum and in a continuing effort to promote the fun of the medium, we'll be sharing film-related content on Fridays, including articles from our friends at 35mmc and Kosmo Foto.


film nocolorstudio experimental our developed

2021-9-18 16:00