Apple has updated Final Cut Pro so that it works better with the M1 Max and M1 Ultra chips found on the new Mac Studio. Update 10.6.2 additionally adds a list of fixes and enhancements for all computers. [Read More]
petapixel.com2022-4-21 21:34
Apple has updated Final Cut Pro so that it works better with the M1 Max and M1 Ultra chips found on the new Mac Studio. Update 10.6.2 additionally adds a list of fixes and enhancements for all computers. [Read More]
Цена Final Cut Pro 11 составляет $300. Приложение не доступно по подписке и подразумевает единоразовую покупку лицензии. prophotos.ru »
2024-11-14 09:40
Apple Final Cut Pro 11 has arrived, not only ushering in the next generation of professional video editing for Apple but signaling the company's revitalized and reinvigorated approach to creative professional software at large. [Read More] petapixel.com »
2024-11-14 02:15
Today Apple launched several updates to its professional video applications including the most significant update in years to its flagship Final Cut Pro video editing software, as well as several convenient updates to Final Cut Pro for iPad, Final Cut Camera, and Compressor. [Read More] petapixel.com »
2024-11-14 01:59
Обновления Final Cut Pro для iPad и Mac, анонсированные ранее в этом году, а также приложение для захвата видео Final Cut Camera доступны c прошлой недели. © PhotoWebExpo, 2024, https://photowebexpo. photowebexpo.ru »
2024-06-24 18:56
Apple will release an update to both the desktop and mobile versions of Final Cut Pro later this month that will improve the workflows on iPad and speed up exports on Mac while also adding new features to both platforms. [Read More] petapixel.com »
2023-11-07 01:01
The FMC 2023 Final Cut Pro Creative Summit is coming to Cupertino November 6 through 8, the first time since 2019 that it will take place on Apple's campus. [Read More] petapixel.com »
2023-10-20 18:55
A group of more than 100 people involved in worldwide television and movie production has sent an open letter to Apple CEO Tim Cook concerning Apple's Final Cut Pro video editing software. dpreview.com »
2022-04-20 23:40
Apple выпустила Final Cut Pro X версии 10.4.7, в котором был добавлен процессинговый движок на базе Metal, призванный ускорить различные графические задания и улучшить воспроизведение контента. onfoto.ru »
2019-10-09 00:48
Компания Apple выпустила большое обновление программы для монтажа — Final Cut Pro X 10. 4. 7. Это обновление FCPX привносит в архитектуру программы новый движок Metal для повышения производительности. photar.ru »
2019-10-08 15:15
Loupedeck has announced Final Cut Pro is now available integration as the first Apple-developed suite made compatible for Loupedeck+, alongside additional integration with Adobe Audition. photographyblog.com »
2019-03-27 14:30
Apple выпустила обновление своего приложения для редактирования видеоFinal Cut Pro X. onfoto.ru »
2019-03-26 23:51
Apple has pushed out Final Cut Pro X update (version 10. 4. 6), that adds the ability to automatically detect and convert any legacy media files that will not be compatible with future versions of macOS, as well as numerous bug fixes and improved features. dpreview.com »
2019-03-26 01:31
Final Cut Pro 10. 4. 1 introduces a groundbreaking format from Apple, ProRes RAW, which combines the visual and workflow benefits of RAW video with the performance of ProRes. photographyblog.com »
2018-04-09 13:30
Перед выставкой NAB компания Apple достаточно неожиданно представила новый формат видеофайлов ProRes RAW. onfoto.ru »
2018-04-06 14:45
Apple has released a Final Cut Pro X update that adds a slew of new features and expanded support to its video-editing software, most notable among those features being support for 360-degree and VR video. dpreview.com »
2017-12-14 22:08
Photo by Jakob Owens Apple has revealed that its aging-but-beloved video editing program, Final Cut Pro 7, will not be supported by macOS High Sierra. If they update Apple's upcoming operating system, existing Final Cut Pro 7 users who want to continue using Final Cut for video editing will be forced to transition to Final Cut Pro X. dpreview.com »
2017-08-28 19:24
Apple today introduced a significant update to its professional video editing app, Final Cut Pro X.
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photographyblog.com »2016-10-27 21:00
По просьбам наших подписчиков, мы начинаем серию выпусков по работе в Final Cut Pro X (FCPX). В этом, вводном выпуске: знакомство с интерфейсом, формирование библиотеки файлов, импорт, быстрые клавиши, экспорт. photowebexpo.ru »
2016-10-11 00:36