Photographer Manny Ortiz uses both Windows and Mac computers to edit his photos and video work, so when it came time to choose his next laptop he had a choice: 15-inch MacBook Pro or spec-ed out Dell XPS 15.
He chose the PC, and in this video he offers the top 5 reasons why he made that choice.
Most Mac vs PC opinions are put out there by people who are heavily invested on one side, which is what makes Ortiz' point of view refreshing. He has no loyalty. He uses both systems regularly, and spends the last part of the video praising the Mac for its various strengths. Still, when it came time to plunk down a couple grand on a new machine, he chose the PC.
Here's why:
Money – The spec-ed out Dell cost $1,000 less than an equivalent MacBook Pro
Ports – The new MacBook Pros have been lambasted for their lack of ports, and Manny doesn't hold back either. The dongle life is not for him.
Ability to Upgrade – With the MacBook, what you buy is what you get. If you're thinking of upgrading the RAM, or swapping out the SSD, forget about it. With the latest builds, it's all but impossible.
Touchscreen – This one is very subjective, but for Manny, the touchscreen on the XPS is a big win.
Nvidia GTX 1050 GPU – Manny isn't implying the Radeon Pro chips in the MacBook Pros aren't great, but he's had nothing but good experiences with the Nvidia GTX 1050 inside the Dell.
And that's it. Obviously, there are a lot of other factors you could mention here—wins for both the PC and the Mac—but for Manny the decision was simple. The hardware on the PC was better, and he was getting it for $1,000 less.
Ever since the new MacBook Pros with their lack of ports came out, many photographers have been talking about switching to PC for their mobile editing needs. Have you considered it? And why would you choose one over the other? Let us know in the comments.
. dpreview.com2017-7-18 23:28