21:00update 0 + Rotolight’s NEO 3 and AEOS 2 Pro Editions Boost Brightness and More18:28софтбокс 0 + Rotolight выпустили параболические софтбоксы R90/R12018:09 0 + Rotolight’s new NEO, AEOS RBGWW flashes output 16.7 million colors
18:04rotolightapp 0 + Rotolight’s New App Lets You Remotely Adjust LED Settings From Your Phone00:24worldsfirst 0 + Rotolight Launches The World’s First Intelligent Electronic Softbox17:09Other/ 0 + Rotolight представил новый светодиодный прожектор/вспышку Anova Pro 2
23:14softlight 0 + Rotolight’s New Parabolic Softboxes are a Bit Confusing18:09 0 + Rotolight’s new NEO, AEOS flashes output 16.7 million colors00:43 0 + Rotolight Anova Pro 2 features improved output and 'unrivaled battery'