Hasselblad has added a bunch of new features to the X1D and H6D in firmware updates released yesterday. Version 1. 21 adds a white balance sampler tool, audio notifications, tethered image support, the option to zoom in to 100% with a single button press when reviewing captured images, and more to both models, in addition to a few model-exclusive updates.
The X1D gets exposure bracketing for the first time, with the option to use 0. 3EV, 0. 5EV, 1EV, 2EV or 3EV steps across 2, 3, 5, 7 or 9 frames. Users can choose the sequence of the frames and whether the aperture or shutter speed is used as the variable in manual exposure mode. A new intervalometer has also been added, allowing users to create timelapse sequences with no limit to the number of frames recorded. The mode offers fixed lengths of 2 to 99 frames, but also a mode that will continue shooting until the action is stopped manually. Images can be recorded with intervals of 2 to 60 seconds.
Handling changes to the X1D with the latest firmware included adding the ability to scroll through recorded images while zoomed in when using the EVF, and a mode that automatically zooms in to the area beneath the focus point immediately after picture is recorded. There is now an option to set a shutter speed limit when using Auto ISO, a reworking of the crop mode cycle that makes finding the one you want quicker, and autofocus support for all lenses from the H system (other than the 120mm macro) when the camera is fitted with the XH adapter.
The biggest change for H6D users is the introduction of custom profiles that will make it quicker to switch between configurations of settings for different shooting conditions. Seven profiles can be recorded for individual shooters or for when more than one photographer uses the same camera.
For more information, and to download the new firmware, visit the Hasselblad website.
Press Release
Hasselblad Firmware Update 1. 21 for X1D and H6D
Hasselblad’s 1. 21 Firmware Update demonstrates their commitment to technological innovation with new features for the X1D and H6D
With the 1. 21 Firmware Update, Hasselblad conveys their dedication to continuously develop and enhance its world-renowned camera systems. This most recent firmware update for the X1D and H6D adds to the photographer’s ease in not only capturing one’s shot, but their options for creativity as well.
Hasselblad is pleased to announce new updates for both the X1D and H6D including a White Balance Tool, allowing the photographer to set the colour temperature and tint directly on a photograph when shooting. These values can then be applied to all following images until the setting is turned off.
New features specific to the X1D include an Interval Timer and Exposure Bracketing. Using the Interval Timer, photographers can further their creativity with time-lapse shots. Exposure Bracketing gives users options in their exploration of varied exposure settings, capturing up to 9 frames with customisable sequences of bracketing exposures.
A highlight particular to the H6D allows for the user to create seven customisable profiles. By accessing the General Settings Menu on the main display, the user can easily navigate to the Profiles Menu and save the current camera settings to one of the seven profiles. With these preset settings customised by the user, the photographer has the tools to swiftly change camera settings without losing time, and ultimately, their shot.
Firmware updates are available from the “My Hasselblad > Downloads” section online at Hasselblad. com. Users can update their firmware simply by downloading the “. cim” file to an SD card and selecting Firmware Update from the Service Menu on their camera.
X1D and H6D: v1. 21. 0
White balance tool
Audio notifications
Tethered image import
Reset all settings: Option to disable reset of profiles
Power Off symbol while shutting down
Improved feedback to user when missing card in backup mode
Browse Zoom: Long-hold to zoom in to 100% or out to full image (X1D: Hold the AF-D/AE-L button; H6D: Hold the True Focus button)
X1D: v1. 21. 0
Interval timer
Exposure bracketing
New setting: Shutter speed limit for Auto ISO, P- and Full Auto Mode
Custom Button for Crop Modes - Replace “Crop Mode Cycle” with “Crop Mode Next” and “Crop Mode Previous”
Zoom into coordinates of the focus point for the image just taken
Browse images and pan when zoomed-in in EVF with swipe on touch-pad area on display
Start live view automatically in EVF after browsing on rear LCD
X1D - Audio playback through camera speaker during video playback
Auto focus support for all HC/HCD Lenses (except HC120 Macro) when using the XH Lens Adapter
H6D: v1. 21. 0
HDMI - Pan in zoomed-in with touch-pad area on display
New Lens Firmware HC-HCD 19. 0. 3 and XCD 0. 5. 20:
Hasselblad is also pleased to announce new firmware for XCD, HC & HCD lenses including autofocus support for the following Hasselblad H System lenses when used on the X1D camera with an XH adapter: HCD24, HC150, HC150N, HC210, HC300, HCD35-90 and HC50-110. For further details, please see release notes at https://www. hasselblad. com/support/
2018-5-9 23:07