It began as most things did, available only to the privileged few, mostly where wealth and power were concerned. As such, it’s pretty much undeniable that the field has historically been male-dominated, and slow to change with the times.
While we’ve made many advancements as an industry, we still have a long way to go, and yet, there seems to be a lot of resistance in acknowledging how and where things still need to shift. Given this, we decided to explore the changes made over the years with female photographers who have been in the industry for at least a decade, if not longer. We spoke to them about how things were when they first started out, what things disappeared over time, and what things are still all too present in our community and culture. While some shifts have definitely happened, through speaking with these five phenomenal photographers, certain sentiments were repeatedly echoed as issues we still face today. .
2019-11-13 14:00