Since 2009, I have been traveling around Europe in search of forgotten pianos. This journey gives me the chance to visit and photograph unique abandoned places—from villas to palaces.
boredpanda.com2020-3-20 12:25
Since 2009, I have been traveling around Europe in search of forgotten pianos. This journey gives me the chance to visit and photograph unique abandoned places—from villas to palaces.
I've loved photography ever since purchasing my first ’real’ camera in 2010 – it quickly became an all-consuming passion, occupying large amounts of my daily thoughts. The camera leads me to places I otherwise would probably never see, such as Iceland. »
2019-02-01 16:20
We're Jack Bolshaw and Marta Kulesza, and we spent the last few years of our lives photographing the mountains and writing about our experiences while traveling from the Highlands of Iceland to the Southern Alps of New Zealand. »
2018-01-07 17:37