600-Megapixel Euclid Telescope Captures ‘Einstein Ring’ Encircling Nearby Galaxy
The Euclid space telescope discovered something incredible in the Milky Way's cosmic neighborhood, a spectacular Einstein ring. [Read More] petapixel.com »
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The Euclid space telescope discovered something incredible in the Milky Way's cosmic neighborhood, a spectacular Einstein ring. [Read More] petapixel.com »
The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) Collaboration and scientists from the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy (MPIfR) in Germany used an Earth-sized radio telescope array to observe the jet base of an evolving plasma jet outflow from a supermassive black hole at an unprecedented angular resolution. [Read More] petapixel.com »
The James Webb Space Telescope captured images of 19 nearby spiral galaxies as part of its long-term Physics at High Angular resolution in Nearby GalaxieS (PHANGS) program. [Read More] petapixel.com »
Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg has announced a new searchable map for Instagram where users can discover nearby local businesses.
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