Here in Seattle, we are pretty excited when summer arrives. Granted, the warm weather doesn't actually get here until sometime in mid-July, but that doesn't stop us from leaving the socks at home and heading out without a raincoat (and then complaining about the inevitable rain and hashtagging all of our Instagram photos with #junuary).
One of the ways we celebrate the coming of summer is with the Photographic Center Northwest's (PCNW) Long Shot – a global 24-hour photo shoot that is open to anyone, anywhere, with any camera (yes, including your phone). Long Shot isn't a competition; it's an opportunity to take a day to focus on photography, share what you capture and see what other photographers are doing. It's also a way PCNW raises awareness and funds to support its photographic mission.
Photo by Luke Peterson | Long Shot 2016
This year's Long Shot is on Saturday, June 10th. Between 9AM Pacific on Saturday and 9AM Pacific on Sunday, participating photographers around the world 'chase the light'. You photograph whatever you want, wherever you are. If you register (there is a $20 suggested donation), you can submit up to 5 favorite images from the day and a jury will pick one of your images to include in the annual Long Shot slideshow and pop-up exhibit in Seattle on June 17th. You don't have to attend the pop-up to participate, and you don't have to participate to attend the pop-up.
"Ode to 18th Century" by Anna Ream | Long Shot 2016
If you choose not to register, you can still take photographs and share them on social media using the hashtags #longshot2017, #photocenternw and #pcnw. Your images won't be included in the slideshow or exhibit, but you'll still be part of a worldwide community of photographers taking part in a fun event.
Take a look at the Long Shot 2016 slideshow to see what last year's participants photographed. (Note: There are a lot of beards. ) What will you photograph this year, if you participate?
. dpreview.com
2017-6-8 19:56