Martin Parr to Erwin Blumenfeld: Journey Through the Evolution of Color Photography in a New Exhibit

One could argue that the beginning of "color" photography began with hand-colored images during the Victorian era. While the subtle pastel tones may seem unnatural to us today, they played a significant role in the development of photography.

Over time, thanks to the efforts of Scottish physicist James Clerk Maxwell, the first three-color processes were invented, leading to humanity's first color photograph of a tartan ribbon in 1861. Since then, color photography has evolved significantly, with influential figures such as Erwin Blumenfeld, Saul Leiter, and Martin Parr demonstrating that color is essential to the medium and human expression. Keeping this in mind, the French Academy in Rome - Villa Medici, is hosting a new exhibition that honors this important invention. .


2025-2-24 08:00