On the back of the re-introduction of some Kodak Ektachrome films a U. S. photographic company has announced it will begin sales of its own slide developing kits under the Edwal brand. Edwal has been associated with photo chemistry for some time, and US photographic distributor OmegaBrandess owns the rights to the name and intends to produce E-6 chemistry kits aimed at making transparency development easier for the home user.
The Edwal kits will contain developer, color developer and a single bleach/fix solution, and will be available in 1-quart/946ml and 1-gallon/3. 8l sizes. The company claims the chemicals offer users some degree of flexibility with development times and the temperature of the solutions without adverse effects on the film.
The 1-quart kit will cost $59. 99 and the gallon kit will be $134. 99. For more information see the OmegaBrandess website.
Press release
OmegaBrandess Press Release
As the owner of the well-known EDWAL brand of photo chemistry, OmegaBrandess is proud to introduce the EDWAL E-6 32 OUNCE AND 1 GALLON DEVELOPING KITS.
The overwhelming popularity of the recently announced Kodak Ektachrome film has spawned renewed interest in at-home and small batch film developing. To meet that demand OmegaBrandess Distribution is offering E-6 developing kits for the students and hobbyists out there to develop their own color slide film.
Now available at many photo retailers are a 1-quart and 1-gallon developing kit under our Edwal branding.
Each kit contains Developer, Color Stabilizer, and Blix- all the chemicals needed to process E-6 film. Easy-to-use liquid allows for variations in time and temperature! Also available at OmegaBrandess. com.
The suggested retail price is $59. 99 for the quart kit and $134. 99 for the gallon kit.
About OmegaBrandess
OmegaBrandess has manufactured and distributed photographic and imaging products for over 75 years. A privately held company, OmegaBrandess supplies the photography industry with over ten thousand products from dozens of branded lines. For more information about OmegaBrandess and its represented brands, call 410-374-3250 or visit www. omegabrandess. com.
2019-1-3 23:16