Nikon has announced the Nikkor DX 24mm f/1.7 lens, a fast aperture, compact prime for its Z-mount APS-C cameras that promises to bring bokeh to the DX format for $280. [Read More]
petapixel.com2023-6-1 07:00
Nikon has announced the Nikkor DX 24mm f/1.7 lens, a fast aperture, compact prime for its Z-mount APS-C cameras that promises to bring bokeh to the DX format for $280. [Read More]
$(document). ready(function() { SampleGalleryV2({"containerId":"embeddedSampleGallery_5655925478","galleryId":"5655925478","isEmbeddedWidget":true,"selectedImageIndex":0,"isMobile":false}) }); The Nikon Z 24mm F1. dpreview.com »
2019-12-12 17:00
The Nikon Z 24mm f/1.8 S is a new wide-angle prime lens for Nikon's full-frame mirrorless camera system. Is this new fast prime lens worth its photographyblog.com »
2019-11-14 14:30
Широкоугольник Nikon Z 24mm F1.8 S представлен официально. Это уже седьмой появившийся за год объектив системы Nikon Z. В соответствии с ранее опубликованными планами компании нам осталось дождаться ещё 70-200mm F2.8 и 58mm F0.95 Noct. prophotos.ru »
2019-09-04 09:20
Nikon has announced the Nikkor Z 24mm f/1.8 S, a fast wide-angle prime lens for its full-frame mirrorless cameras. “The 24mm f/1.8 S is optimized for capturing everything from cityscapes to environmental portraits and is built to take advantage of Nikon’s large Z-mount, delivering the ultimate combination of fast, bright and sharp performance in nearly […] petapixel.com »
2019-09-04 08:24
If you're using a Nikon Z series camera and know anything about how good the company's Z mount lenses have been, then you should be very excited about their new Nikon Z 24mm f1. 8 S. This lens has been designed for the new Z mount system that the company introduced and features things like 12 elements in 10 groups. thephoblographer.com »
2019-09-04 07:01
Компания продолжает подавать “беззеркальные” патенты, но они не дают прямых указаний на то, какой будет ее новая системная камера. Nikon запатентовала шесть вариантов объектива 24mm f/1. 8: три для полнокадровых беззеркальных камер и три – для беззеркалок с матрицей APS-C. fototips.ru »
2017-09-18 11:43