$(document). ready(function() { SampleGalleryV2({"containerId":"embeddedSampleGallery_1486583421","galleryId":"1486583421","isEmbeddedWidget":true,"standalone":false,"selectedImageIndex":0,"startInCommentsView":false,"isMobile":false}) }); On1 just released the newest version of its stand-alone RAW photo manager and non-destructive editor: On1 Photo RAW 2018.
Put another way, there's now yet another alternative to Lightroom out there, and with this new update the program is more capable than ever, adding features like HDR merge and panorama stitching, advanced masking capabilities, and more.
You can get a decent overview of the new features in the 2018 version in the video below:
The main additions to this version of On1 Photo RAW are On1 HDR, panorama stitching, new advanced masking options like Feather and Density that allow you to alter a mask globally, Color range masking, versioning, selective noise reduction, and an updated UI that On1 characterizes as "clean and modern. " There's also a new "Paint with Color Brush" that allows you to either paint with a solid color or leave the luminosity of the underlying layer intact to change things like eye or hair color.
You can get a full breakdown of these and other new features on the On1 blog.
The app is being released as a free Beta on Friday, with an official release slated for the end of October. The full app—which promises 'much more' when it arrives after the beta period—will cost $120 for new users, while current On1 users will have the option to upgrade for a discounted price of just $80 (usually $100). Both the full version and upgrade package are already available for pre-order.
To learn more about the app or pre-order your copy, head over to the On1 blog by clicking here.
. dpreview.com2017-10-5 02:32