Need a bit of comic relief this Monday? How about nightmare fuel? This panorama selfie gone-wrong provides a little bit of both. The photo was captured by Mitchell Flann, who was using his Samsung Galaxy S7 to take a selfie of himself and girlfriend Erika Gomos.
They were using the phone's Wide Selfie mode, which requires that you stand still while the camera is panned up to 120° to capture more of the scene. According to Samsung's website, Wide Selfie "puts an end to getting cropped out. " While that's technically correct, it did a bit more than that for Flann when Erika sneezed halfway through the selfie.
The nightmarish shot they captured has gone 'viral' as they say, earning an insane 150K upvotes on Reddit.
"We're on vacation in Budapest and I couldn't even enjoy the scenery at parliament because of the tears,” Flann said on Reddit. Apparently they've been taking photos like this across Europe, with some pretty fun malfunctions along the way, but nothing else has turned out quite like this.
Photo © Mitchell Flann, used with permission.
. dpreview.com2017-7-18 22:03