Paris Mus

Eug Paris MusCollections portal that offers the public access to more than 100,000 high-resolution digital reproductions of classic artwork and photography. All of the content offered in the Collections portal is available under a CC0 license.

In addition to high-resolution images of artwork from such notable names as Rembrandt, the online collection also includes a portal with more than 62,000 high-res photo scans showcasing some of the nation's earliest photography from photographers that include Pierre Emounts ou Emonds, Eugene Atget, Ernest Charles Appert, Hippolyte Blancard and Roger Henrard.

Maison de Balzac, 16th arrondissement, Paris. Eug

Because the photos are all under a CC0 license, anyone can download high-resolution copies of the images alongside documents with full details on the photos, including when and where they were taken, which museum they're located at and the materials and techniques used to produce each print. The institution will also make copyrighted images from its museums available as low-resolution previews.

In its announcement of the new online collection, Paris Mus


paris high-resolution from portal

2020-1-22 23:21